
What do you want, I'm working

I felt like drawing omg. First time in... I don't even know. When was the last time I posted on DA? Since then :T I don't know what's wrong with meee..

But anyway, look! It's actually finish-able :D It's Finnian and one of his workmates at... Work. Of course. He works in a cafe C:
This is actually based on an AU where he's Gabi's OC Ludwig's uke, lmao. His workmate thinks Ludwig is hot. Fin is all "back off bitch" only you know, not really because he wouldn't say that xD


Woosh blonde.

I finished Jak's piccie of her girls and thought I would be cool and post a line-less version here.
Because I'm cool.

Reck and Harmony for Half.Jak
blah fudged up her leg .n.;;

Here's the lined version:


My computer sucks. Oh hi Ryu

So, I wanted to draw something better after the rainbow shit, only I'd switched my Tablet and internet USB ports since my internet refuses to work in any port but that one, took me a freaking 2 hours to get it to work or something, now my tablet pressure refuses to work >T have restarted SAI a billion times and switched to all the other USB ports but nope.
Apparently I only have one decent port on my desktop. SO LAME.

I drew anyway. So here, have an unimpressed no-pressure-on-my-tablet Ryu. My lines look hairy lmao.

Unicorn poop

Gee, I post some real shit lD

Jak's fault. Talking about rainbow shit lmao.



Remember the totally amazing rainbow I drew the other day?
Here it is on the hoodie! It's rainbowlicious!

Just thought I'd share c:


Playlist WIP

Trying to draw something worthwhile! I got bored colouring though and went right to shading the skin lD; it's my favourite part because it always looks pretty, unlike clothes and hair and everything else which I always mess up.

Tried to sketch a pretty woodland BG and failed, so I dunno what I'm going to do once he's coloured, but I want some kind of BG ;_;

It started as an emo picture as I was listening to sad songs, but then suddently all these upbeat songs started after I drew his eyes and nose and so boom, he got a smile lmao. Now he has a really cute awkward expression XD
He's sat down with some birds...
I'm going with he fell on his butt and now he's embarassed 8D;

Finnian again btw.

Late Valentines

Finnian and Van~
I want to say I like this. But I don't =3= stupid art block, took 5 sketches to get something half decent down, then that had to be redrawn about 3 times, and then it was redone another twice while I was outlining it, the lineart turned out shit, Van still looked shit, my colouring and shading turned out shit and despite me actually NOT half assing this in the end it looks like I have and it looks like a coloured sketch OTL
Vans hair is black, but it was part of the lineart and thus was changed to blend better with the rest.

But oh well.
I didn't draw anything for V.day yesterday.

Fin is generally shy and nervous and refuses to accept Van's feelings, so that's why the face.


The most artistic art ever.

Don't be Jellin' on my talents, yo.
I made these for designs on dolly hoodies :'D

Thicket doodles

Last night mum and dad put on a boring, boring movie, so I doodled these instead of watching it :'D
Angus and Rose from my OC band Thicket. I've been thinking about them a lot over the last couple of days.


Magical demon pony ride

When I woke up this morning this image popped in to my head, and it had to be drawn!

Papa Ink and little twinnies >U< I always mess up one or the other when I draw them both, I have the same problem when I draw Rhy and Evahn, too. But anyways, Tacti looks especially adorable sat on Ink's butt XD
Tehra belongs to my friend Gabi, but the other two are mine =u=



Over Christmas I was bored, and when I get to a certain point of boredom, I sometimes go and play the flash games on neopets :'3 while I was there I saw there was a plot going on so I played the puzzles for that, too =u=
I then forgot all about it until a couple of days ago when I got bored again and went to play some games, when I found the plot prizes had been released and spent the points I'd earned on a fancy magical paint brush that I always drooled over as a kid xD
Said magical paint brush was then used on a pet to create a magical rainbow llama, and then today I wanted to draw said rainbow llama. Along with 2 of my other pets because hey, the style is a lot of fun to draw in (although a lot harder than it looks! D:)

You can see what they're supposed to look like here



Hey there. I usually used my Livejournal to post my art and ramblings about it, but my friend PH made me want to make one of these because they looked so pretty =A= oh how I hate my love of pretty, new and shiny things.

So~ I have decided my LJ is now for my life ramblings and other RL randomness, and THIS RIGHT HERE. This will be for all my sketches and random crack drawings =u= yeup. Probably really weird stuff that's so crap I won't even post it on my sketch account on dA :'D or at least not until I have enough for a sketch dump.

I have nothing right now though >T so uhm... See you another time :'D